
Healing Circle

Empowering Women to venture off the path they were given to create life their way

Join The Circle

Unlock the Power of HEALING and TRANSFORMATION

that comes through your heart

“You were made for a life as big and beautiful as the whisperings in your heart.” - Ruth Smedley

welcome to…

A community of blossoming women where you belong just as you are.

In this circle, you get to be fully you—

Seen for your beauty

Your strength

Your softness

Your pain

And gently guided through the wisdom of your own heart into perfect alignment with who you came here to be.

In the JourneyWithin Healing Circle, you become your own North Star, guided and supported through Heart-Led Healing to connect deeply and fully with the truth and wholeness of YOU.

Who the Circle is for:

women who are seeking community and individual support in healing on a deep level and becoming more fully aligned with their life’s purpose and desires.

What the Circle offers:

an intimate understanding of and connection with the heart, allowing for Heart-Led Healing to take place on individual & collective levels.

Are You Ready to

Dive Deep?

Where We’re Going…

  • Feeling lost in the roles you play? (motherhood, marriage, career, etc.) You will delight in finding yourself again.

  • Feeling burdened by feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, or despair? (especially the ones you try hiding even from yourself!) You will learn to honor, learn from, love, and release these energies — allowing you to return to the peace, satisfaction, and confidence of who you are.

  • Feeling violated, trapped, or unseen? (even by those you love and who love you back) You will embrace healthy energetic boundaries and become comfortable standing in the brilliance of your full power.

  • Feeling stuck in unhealed trauma and unhealthy patterns that you’ve worried you’ll just have to live with your whole life? You will enjoy miraculous surprises and healing that leaves you in deep gratitude and awe.

And the destination I personally find the most compelling…. a deep sense of restored…


Experience self-doubt, fear, and blame slip away as you come to recognize, trust, and follow the wisdom that resides in your heart. Step into being the confident authority of your own life — ready to write your own story from the confidence born of deep self-trust and heart-knowing.

(Option 1)


Deep Healing

—> 1-2 hour intuitive energy healing session to go as deep as your body wants to go to release and restore. We both show up all the way and invite all and any change that is ready to come through.


—> Take home 1-2 grounding technics to help settle and incorporate the new and exciting changes taking place for you. Use these technics daily or as needed between sessions.


—> 30-minute check in with Ruth to follow up and reflect on your deep session. This session will include additional clearing, grounding, or coaching as needed.

Girls’ Night

—> 90-minute group call. Disconnect from the day-to-day, reconnect with yourself, and connect with friends, old and new.* Topics and activities will be catered to the needs and interests of the current group.

*includes a plus one invitation so you can bring a friend!

In the JourneyWithin Healing Circle, you become your own North Star, guided and supported through Heart Led Healing to connect deeply and fully with the truth and wholeness of you.

Who the Circle is for:

women who are seeking community and individual support in healing on a deep level and becoming more fully aligned with their life’s purpose and desires.

What the Circle offers:

an intimate understanding of and connection with the heart, allowing for Heart Led Healing to take place on individual & collective levels.

  • "Working with Ruth absolutely changed the way I see myself as a mom and the way that I see motherhood."

    Alycia Pace, Mom of 3