Breaking Down Barriers: How Energy Healing Helped Me Heal

Do you ever feel like you’re standing on the wrong side of a glass wall? You want to be somewhere on the other side, but each time you take a step forward you hit the wall and can’t move past it. No matter how hard you push, cry, or bang, the wall doesn’t budge and you are stuck where you started.

Or maybe it’s more of a stone prison, with walls so thick and dark that you can’t even imagine what it might look like on the other side. Perhaps you doubt there’s anything better out there. Sometimes you push and scream and cry against the stones, but to no avail. You remain without light, without clarity, and without freedom.

I’ve experienced both these situations (figuratively, not literally). For me the glass wall was my relationship with food. After years of working through an eating disorder, I had made some progress but not much. I still couldn’t understand why I responded so strongly and negatively to food and hunger and eating. I struggled to change my response and build a healthy relationship with food and my body.

During two energy healing sessions with a friend, we identified trauma that was ready to be cleared. Interestingly, most of the trauma was generational, meaning it started with my parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents, not with me. My struggles around food really hadn’t made sense in the context of my own life. However, as I learned more about the people I come from, these food struggles began to make sense in the context of their lives.

In these energy healing sessions we were able to identify the inherited traumas and easily release them. The shifts I felt were AMAZING! The next morning when I sat down to eat breakfast, I could feel that something inside was vastly different. I had a choice to keep thinking about food the way I had for years. But for the first time it felt like I also had a choice to start experiencing a different perspective. That is the power energy healing has to remove glass walls so you can walk through into truly greener pastures.

I became figuratively trapped in a stone prison when my oldest was 2 and my youngest was 6 months. My entire life I had dreamed of being a mother. I wanted children more than anything else. All the training from the time I was born pointed me toward becoming a fulltime mom. But now I hated it. Waking up each morning to the sounds of my children triggered intense anxiety and debilitating fear of another day. There are no words to describe how awful I felt every single morning. If you’ve been there, you know.

I labeled myself a “crazy mom” because I was angry and reactive all the time. I despised the quality of childhood and home life I was providing for my boys. And I couldn’t do any better! I was drowning, panicky, overwhelmed and scared.

One morning I rolled onto my knees and tried to ask God to bless me with a change. I felt stuck in this attempt to pray because I didn’t really know what I was asking for. My imagination failed to find an alternative to my current life. So instead I asked God to bless me with a vision of how motherhood could look different—maybe even enjoyable. Nothing dramatic happened immediately following that prayer. But within the year God guided me to resources and people who helped tear down my motherhood prison walls. Because of those resources, my vision for joyful motherhood continues to unfold.

Being a mom had not been easy for me before 2020 brought its unpleasant surprises. 2020 compounded my struggles by pouring isolation and stress over my already isolated and stressful situation. Family members canceled their visits, church meetings and activities disappeared, parks and libraries closed, and playdates felt taboo. Over the course of that year my physical health plummeted as well as my mental health, culminating in a midnight trip to the emergency room after extreme loss of blood during a miscarriage.

Naturally, an unanticipated visit to the ER makes you think about the possibility of death. Things were so bad at that time that thinking about death actually sounded less frightening than the alternative of life. I hated my current life that much. I hated my current self. I despised the mom and person I had become. I was lonely and miserable in every aspect of my life. That night, my husband leaned over the hospital bed and assured me I could be a different mom someday. I didn’t know if that was true, but I hoped it was. I didn’t want my current life, but I did want to keep living if life could be different.

By this time my most intense triggers were hearing my children’s voices, seeing their faces, and being left alone with them. Let me tell you, trying to be a fulltime mom when your children’s very existence triggers extreme anxiety is mentally, emotionally, and physically debilitating. But it didn’t last forever.

A few months after my visit to the ER we moved to another state to live with family. I started to heal physically and received help caring for my children. But being around them still made me sick with anxiety. I wanted to give them away and let someone else take care of them completely.

Then I went to see a chiropractor who practices energy healing. He identified a trauma from two years earlier. I had buried the fear caused by this trauma so deep that I was not consciously aware of it until he identified it for me. I had been wanting to pawn off my children on somebody else because I was so scared someone would take them away from me. I sobbed so hard as he identified and released the trauma from that experience. It was like a ginormous stone wall came crumbling down and I could finally see.

When I walked out of his office and saw my children, I no longer felt triggered by their existence. I remembered that my oldest had once been my little buddy and felt hopeful we could regain the bond we’d lost. For the first time ever, I felt myself connecting and bonding with my youngest son. I saw two adorable children who wanted to be loved and who already loved me back. Energy healing tore down that wall in a matter of seconds and opened a door for me to continue to heal from the trauma I’d experienced as a mom in the two years after that initial traumatic experience.

When my friend helped me remove the food-related glass wall, it allowed me to start replacing old thoughts, beliefs, and habits with new, healthier, and happier ones. I would come to a familiar situation, notice the energy felt different, and allow myself to be curious about what the world could look like now that I no longer felt bound by those old energies. I’d ask myself, “Now that I no longer believe that, what am I going to believe? Now that the world looks different from before, how does it look?” Then I’d seek for truth to help me see my world in a more accurate, empowering way.

Removing the stone prison walls felt different than removing the glass barrier. First of all, it felt far more dramatic. I had been living in a state of extreme fight-or-flight every time I found myself around, and especially alone with, my children. With those prison walls gone, I could relax and breathe again, which allowed for huge strides in my physical healing. It felt beautiful, miraculous, and freeing to start building relationships with my children again.

When the walls fell away, it also made space for more layers of pain and trauma that needed attention. We’d released the trauma that initially threw me into a state of PTSD, but living with that PTSD (and doing so in the midst of an extremely isolating and anxiety-inducing pandemic) had planted smaller seeds of trauma, pain, and regret that I continue to unearth, identify, and release through energy healing. I’m still creating a clear vision of what I want my family life to look like. I’m learning to work with my husband to explore, decide, and create the life we want. Glass walls continue to pop up as we move toward what we want. Sometimes we come up against more walls of stone that feel impossible to conquer. But God has not left us comfortless nor without the resources to eventually tear down those walls.

I’m reminded of the battle of Jericho. Certainly the Israelites looked at those walls and thought, “Impossible. Those walls are impenetrable. They’ll never come down.” Then all it took was some walking, trumpeting, and shouting, and whoosh! The walls came down.

Energy healing is kind of like that. You look at an issue and think, “Wow, I’m never going to get over this. I can hardly imagine what life would even look like without this familiar struggle.” Then all it takes is a simple energy healing session and whoosh! The energy behind that issue is gone and it’s like walking right into Jericho.

What are your current glass walls? What is your stone prison? Where does life feel so dark that you can’t see an alternative? Those are the issue that are ready to be healed. Those are the issues to bring to an energy healing session so you can find the root, release it, and finally heal.

Energy healing is simple, easy, and, honestly, quite fun! You’ll be amazed how quickly life can change for the better. Click here to schedule an energy healing session and see how it can heal you.


4 Signs of Trauma in a Mama